Unicon Benchmark Reporting

Please send us your benchmark results when you have a new or substantially different benchmark result that might improve our data as collected at unicon.org/bench. Reports should consist of an e-mail sent to jeffery@uidaho.edu containing the output from running the program "run-benchmark" in Unicon's tests/bench subdirectory (you have to run "make" to build the benchmarks first). The output should look something like that given below.
Word Size  Main Memory  C Compiler  clock    OS          
64 bit     15.579 GB    gcc 4.8.5   3.5 GHz  UNIX        

8x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1246 v3 @ 3.50GHz                

                                        Elapsed time h:m:s        |Concurrent |
benchmark                           |Sequential|   |Concurrent|   |Performance|
concord concord.dat                      1.578            N/A
deal 50000                               1.343            N/A
ipxref ipxref.dat                        0.887            N/A
queens 12                                1.782            N/A
rsg rsg.dat                              1.121            N/A
binary-trees 14                          2.586          2.584           1.0x
chameneos-redux 65000                      N/A          1.388
fannkuch 9                               1.725            N/A
fasta 250000                             1.514            N/A
k-nucleotide 150-thou.dat                2.461            N/A
mandelbrot 750                           7.251          2.163         3.352x
meteor-contest 600                       2.145            N/A
n-body 100000                            2.354            N/A
pidigits 7000                            1.640            N/A
regex-dna 700-thou.dat                   2.410          1.626         1.482x
reverse-complement 15-mil.dat            2.524            N/A
spectral-norm 300                        1.816            N/A
thread-ring 700000                         N/A          2.445