############################################################################ # # File: appform.icn # # Subject: Program: CGI script that processes scholarship applications # # Authors: Clinton Jeffery # # Date: July 11, 1997 # ############################################################################ # # This program processes a bunch of input fields defined in an on-line # scholarship application at http://www.cs.utsa.edu/scholarships/mii.form.shtml # and from them, generates a latex file which it typesets, prints, and e-mails # to the scholarship coordinator. # ############################################################################ link cgi procedure cgimain() every k := key(cgi) do { s := "" cgi[k] ? { while s ||:= tab(upto('#%$&_{}"\\^~|<>-')) do { case c := move(1) of { "\\": s ||:= "$\\setminus$" "^": s ||:= "$^{\\wedge}$" "~": s ||:= "$\\sim$" "|": s ||:= "$\\mid$" "<": s ||:= "$<$" ">": s ||:= "$>$" "-": s ||:= "$-$" default: { s ||:= "\\"; s ||:= c } } } s ||:= tab(0) } cgi[k] := s } f := open("/tmp/appform.tex", "w") | stop("can't open /tmp/appform.tex") write("Generating typeset copy of application form...") write(f,"\\documentstyle[11pt]{letter}") write(f,"\\pagestyle{empty}") write(f,"") write(f,"\\setlength{\\textwidth}{6.6in}") write(f,"\\setlength{\\textheight}{10in}") write(f,"\\setlength{\\topmargin}{-.3in}") write(f,"\\setlength{\\headsep}{0in}") write(f,"\\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{0in}") write(f,"\\baselineskip 13pt") write(f,"\\begin{document}") write(f,"") write(f,"\\begin{center}") write(f,"{\\large\\bf") if (/ (cgi["TESTSCORES"])) | trim(string(cgi["TESTSCORES"])) == "0" then write(f,"NSF Computer Science Scholars and Mentors Program Application") else write(f,"NSF Summer Computer Science Institute Application") write(f,"}") write(f,"\\end{center}") write(f,"") write(f,"\\begin{tabular}{llll}") writes(f, "Name: & ", cgi["NAME"]) writes(f," & Phone: & ", cgi["PHONE"]) write(f," \\\\") write(f,"Address: & ", cgi["ADDRESS1"], " & Social Sec. Number: & ", cgi["SOC"], " \\\\") write(f,"\\ & ", cgi["ADDRESS2"], " & Gender (M/F): & ", cgi["GENDER"]) write(f,"\\end{tabular}") write(f,"") write(f,"Semester hours completed: Overall ", cgi["TOTALCREDITS"], " in Computer Science ", cgi["CSCREDITS"], "\\\\") write(f,"College GPA: Overall ", cgi["COLLEGEGPA"], " in Computer Science courses ", cgi["CSGPA"],"\\\\") if (/ (cgi["TESTSCORES"])) | trim(string(cgi["TESTSCORES"])) == "0" then write(f,"Are you interested in graduate studies? \\\\") else write(f,"Are you interested in a CS degree at UTSA?") write(f, if cgi["YES"] == "on" then "yes" else "", " ", if cgi["NO"] == "on" then "no" else "", " ", if cgi["MAYBE"] == "on" then "maybe" else "", "\\ \\\\") write(f,"Present Employer: ", cgi["EMPLOYER"], " \\\\") write(f,"Position: ", cgi["POSITION"], "Hours/week: ", cgi["HOURS"], " \\\\") write(f,"If selected for the NSF CS Scholars program, will the scholarship enable you") write(f,"to quit your present job? If not, how many hours will you be working? \\\\") write(f, cgi["STILLWORKING"], "\\ \\\\") write(f,"Educational Background\\\\") write(f,"High School: List name, dates attended, GPA, graduated?\\\\") write(f, cgi["HIGH1"], "\\ \\\\") write(f, cgi["HIGH2"], "\\ ") if (/ (cgi["TESTSCORES"])) | trim(string(cgi["TESTSCORES"])) == "0" then write(f," \\\\") else write(f,"Test Scores: ", cgi["TESTSCORES"], " \\\\") write(f,"For each college, list name, dates attended, hours completed, degrees awarded.") write(f,cgi["COLL1"], "\\ \\\\") write(f,cgi["COLL2"], "\\ \\\\") write(f,"\\ \\\\") write(f,"\\ \\\\") write(f,"Academic honors, scholarships, fellowships, and assistantships\\\\") write(f,cgi["HONOR1"], "\\ \\\\") write(f,cgi["HONOR2"], "\\ \\\\") write(f,"\\ \\\\") write(f,"Extracurricular interests: \\hrulefill \\\\") write(f,cgi["EXTRA1"], "\\ \\\\") write(f,cgi["EXTRA2"], "\\ \\\\") write(f,"Memberships in professional organizations: \\hrulefill\\\\") write(f,cgi["ORGS1"], "\\ \\\\") write(f,cgi["ORGS2"], "\\ \\\\") write(f,"Research interests and publications, if any: \\hrulefill \\\\") write(f,cgi["RESEARCH1"], "\\ \\\\") write(f,cgi["RESEARCH2"], "\\ \\\\") write(f,"Military Service or Draft Status: \\hrulefill \\\\") write(f,cgi["MIL1"], "\\ \\\\") write(f,cgi["MIL2"], "\\ \\\\") write(f,"Name(s) of at least one person you have asked to complete a confidential") write(f,"academic reference letter.\\\\") write(f,"Name \\hfill Address \\hfill Relationship \\\\") write(f,cgi["REF1"], "\\ ", cgi["REFADD1"], "\\ ", cgi["REFREL1"],"\\\\") write(f,cgi["REF2"], "\\ ", cgi["REFADD2"], "\\ ", cgi["REFREL2"],"\\\\") write(f,"") write(f,"On the back of this sheet or an attached letter, please include a {\\em") write(f,"short\\/} statement of purpose, including information about your background,") write(f,"major and career interests, and professional goals.") write(f,"") write(f,"I certify that information provided on this application and supporting") write(f,"documents is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. \\\\ \\ ") write(f,"") write(f,"\\noindent Signature: \\rule{3.5in}{.01in} Date: \\hrulefill") write(f,"") write(f, "\\pagebreak") write(f,"") write(f, cgi["INFO"]) write(f,"\\end{document}") close(f) write("Mailing form to program director...") system("cd /tmp; mail jeffery /dev/null 2>/dev/null; /usr/local/bin/dvips -o appform.ps appform >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; /usr/ucb/lpr appform.ps; rm appform.*") write("Thank you for applying, ", cgi["NAME"], ". Your application has been submitted to jeffery@cs.utsa.edu") end