# simple.icn
link cgi # This links the PRECOMPILED cgi library and makes
# those functions available to you.
procedure cgimain() # This is the start of the script
host := getenv("REMOTE_ADDR") # This is an example of using the
# Environment variables to get info.
write("Submitted IP address: ", host,"
write("Submitted on: ", &dateline)
# Example reading form input specified in simple.html line 15.
Hello, ", cgi["name"], " welcome to the output page.
write("Your age is: ", cgi["age"], "
write("And I see you enjoy:")
write(if cgi["pizza"] == "on" then "Pizza" else "", " ",
if cgi["burger"] == "on" then "Hamburgers" else "", " ",
if cgi["taco"] == "on" then "Tacos" else "", " ")
write(" for every meal.
write("And your favorite color to look at is")
write(if cgi["red"] == "on" then "Red
" else "", " ",
if cgi["green"] == "on" then "Green
" else "", " ",
if cgi["blue"] == "on" then "Blue
" else "", " ")
write("Education: ")
write(if cgi["bs"] == "on" then "BS
" else "", " ",
if cgi["ms"] == "on" then "MS
" else "", " ",
if cgi["phd"] == "on" then "PHD
" else "", " ")
write("Your words of wisdom are: